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Wake Forest Launches a Collaborative Initiative for Entrepreneurs


Wake Forest has a bright future for business, that's being led by the community's own entrepreneurs and business people.

Wednesday, November 15, over a dozen highly successful Wake Forest entrepreneurs put their heads together to begin shaping future opportunities for entrepreneurism and start-ups in Wake Forest, N.C.

The collaborative effort - first started as a partnership between the Wake Forest Business and Industry Partnership and the Wireless Research Center of NC - sought to give a voice to local entrepreneurs, and to strategically develop an entrepreneur driven plan for future access to opportunities, expertise, and funding for new companies. 

Diversity of profession and experience for the men and women in attendance was a key component of the group.  This allowed a multitude of entrepreneurial efforts to be addressed, including advanced tech, marketing, co-working spaces, advanced contracting, and more, and brought business expertise to the conversation.    

The end resolve of the group set a course for an involved future that includes high functioning meet-ups, making opportunities better known,  a general re-projection of the image of Wake Forest as the burgeoning town for launching, growing, and succeeding a business that it has become, and much more.

The Wake Forest Business and Industry Partnership is excited about future projects currently underway for tech and start-ups.  Tune in to @DiscoverWF on social media for updates on exciting future developments in Wake Forest.